Message from Principal

Mrs. Anita Singh
Mrs. Anita SinghPrincipal - Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Balika Inter College

Message from Principal

I urge all the parents to understand the deep meaning of education. When you motivate your children to go to school and acquire knowledge, you not only direct them towards building their future but also contribute to a strong nation by forwarding your children towards a pillar-making platform where they have an immense capacity to build a beautiful and productive society.

So, it’s my humble request to you to give your full contribution in structuring a mighty nation with all cultures, civilizations, and strong economy intact tightly by scaffolding your child towards a bright future and that is ‘school’.

Admission Open

स्वामी विवेकानंद – “मनुष्य की अंतर्निहित पूर्णता की अभिव्यक्ति ही शिक्षा है।”